
Getting Started with Java Pathfinder

Java Pathfinder (JPF in short) is a model checking tool for Java programs. Model checking is an approach to formal verification and can be used quite nicely ...

Installing Reactive Banana on Ubuntu 16.04

In the days leading up to the Christmas holidays last year I was searching for a little project that I could work on. After some consideration I settled on t...

Learn Myself a Haskell

Once upon a time I actually studied mathematics. Overall it wasn’t a particularly pleasant experience. I guess although I was pretty good at “school mathemat...

Better OOP?

I had and have the pleasure to take part in Object Orientated Programming, a course taught at the TU Wien this semester. OOP is a mandatory course, taken by ...

Using Jetbrains RiderRS on Ubuntu 15.10

A couple of days ago Jetbrains released the first version of Project Rider in an early access program. If you know me personally you probably are aware that ...

Python Challenge - Part 1

A couple of days ago my girlfriend told me about this quiz she found - the python challenge. Its basically a web quiz containing levels and you progress leve...