
Porting a Ruby Gem to the browser with ruby.wasm

When I built a small Ruby command-line tool - Tints ‘N Shades - I wondered: What does it take to run this library in the browser? Can it be done? Should it b...

Using Jekyll with Esbuild

I know. What an unholy union. Why would anyone do this? Why would anyone want that?

The Simplest Static Site Generator

Sometimes, you want to build a simple HTML page and populate it with some data. You may have some JSON lying around and want to make a simple website to visu...

Processing images with ActiveStorage and Imgproxy

ActiveStorage has a nifty feature that allows you to serve variants of uploaded images. Think of a user uploading a profile image. You won’t need the full-si...

Load testing GraphQL with WRK

For performance testing wrk is one of my favorite tools. Whether you are trying to get a quick benchmark or building a performance test suite - it is fairly ...

CLI OAuth in Ruby

Have you ever used a command-line application that triggered an OAuth authentication flow to log you in and wondered how that works? For example, Google Clou...

Use GitHub Actions to find Outdated Dependencies

Keeping up with dependencies can be a pain. That is especially true if you build a tool that heavily relies on some library. If that library changes in a maj...