
Improve your Shell with FZF and Friends

If you spend lots of time in the terminal fuzzy searching can be an absolute game changer - at least it was for me. Tools like FZF, FZY, or Selecta allow you...

Fabulous FactoryBot - Complex factories for Rails

In my previous post about FactoryBot we learned how to use its various features to simplify creating test data. In this post, we’ll put that knowledge to the...

Fabulous FactoryBot - A deep dive

When you write automated tests you sooner or later need to worry about test data. Regardless of whether you write unit, integration or end to end tests, it’s...

A Year of Glumpat

A year ago I made a post describing my workspace setup. A lot has happened in this past year, and so my setup changed a fair bit. In this post I’ll give you ...

An Introduction to IdeaVim

I have been using Vim seriously™ for about a year now. As I have learned, and other Vim acolytes will probably tell you, learning Vim works best if you use i...

Mastering Vim Quickly - A Short Review

I wrote about Practical Vim a while ago, and since then I have been trying to improve my Vim in a number of ways. One of which is, coincidentally, reading mo...

Impressions of CON.ECT Software Trends

On the 20th of September 2018 I had the opportunity to attend and speak at a small event organized by CON.ECT Event Management.


A colleague of mine recently said to me: “Hans, you know, you use so much stuff in your terminal. So many tools. Don’t you want to do a talk about it or some...

Practical Vim - A Short Review

What is Vim? Since you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure you have at least a vague idea of what it is. Here’s what it says on the tin of Practical Vim by Dre...